2016 Honors


2016 League Champions

Salt & Pepper

Dave Desnoyers - Wayne Gomes

2016 Hercules Conference Champions

Salt & Pepper

Dave Desnoyers - Wayne Gomes

2016 Orion Conference Champions

Iron Workers

Gerald Santos - Steve Seeley

Best Regular Season Record

Iron Workers

Gerald Santos - Steve Seeley


Scoring Champ

Bobby Almeida

14.39 PPG / 777 Points

“Cas Santos” Ringer Champ

Bobby Almeida

3.93 RPG / 212 Ringers

“Pat Dooley” Singles Champ

Leroy Tolentino

4.78 SPG / 258 Singles

Doubles Champion

Bobby Almeida

0.30 DbPG / 16 Doubles

Most Improved

Ronnie Raymond

Best B Player

Wayne Gomes

Rookie of the Year

Wayne Gomes

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